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7-2 Project Two Submission

7-2 Project Two Submission

Q Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: • Explain the role and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security in maintaining the safety of citizens Scenario You are a private sector consultant who has been hired by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to conduct a security analysis for two federal agencies within the department. DHS would like you to submit a brief written report explaining the roles of two of its agencies, the organizational structure of those agencies, how those agencies protect a specific critical infrastructure sector, and how the missions of the two agencies help to maintain the safety of U.S. citizens. Directions For this project, you will create a security analysis report for two agencies within DHS (you will use the same two agencies throughout). Your report should include an introduction and conclusion. Specifically, address the following: • Explain the role of two of the major agencies within the Department of Homeland Security. o What are the roles and responsibilities of each agency? o What is the particular role of each agency in sharing information and what are the potential consequences for each agency if they fail to share information? o How do the major security policies of each agency help the agency achieve its mission? • Describe the organizational structure of the two agencies. Be sure to address the following: o Which other agencies do these agencies communicate with regularly? o What is the hierarchical structure of each agency? o Who is the reporting authority for each agency? • Explain how these two agencies within DHS protect a particular critical infrastructure sector (CIS). o Which one of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors would these agencies protect? o Which sector-specific agency is responsible for the CIS chosen? o What recommendations should the two agencies make in order to address a potential threat or threats to the CIS? • Explain how the goals of homeland security help maintain the safety of U.S. citizens. Be sure to address the following: o How does the mission of each agency assist in protecting the American public? o In order to prevent future threats, what are some of the vulnerabilities these agencies are tasked with protecting? What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Security Analysis Report Using the Project Two Template, create a 750- to 1,000-word security analysis report. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Terrorism is a heinous crime against humanity, it is an illegal use of power and force and commit violent acts against the public and property to create terror in the mind of the citizens and coerce and threaten the government and pressurized to take any political or social decision (Smith, 2021). This terrorism is generally divided into two parts such as domestic and international terrorism. Domestic terrorism is such a kind of terrorism, in which foreign influence is involved in the attack but it happened in the homeland of the nation. In international terrorism, the citizens of the United States are suffered from the terrorist attack in any foreign country (Smith, 2021).